Welcome to my first blog!
Most of you’ll already know this but for the readers that are new here. Since 2015, every year I go on a fat loss journey and usually (quite obviously) the main goal is to get as lean as I possibly can. But this year it’s a little bit different. With everything going around right now with Covid 19 and the lockdown, I have lost a lot of my usual routine. And with that, a lot of my discipline as well, towards my work and my own fitness journey.
Deciding to hop onto this fat loss journey is just the spark I need to get my discipline and some semblance of my routine back. I genuinely love the journey of getting as lean as possible, I enjoy the struggle, the structure, the amount of hard work – I enjoy it all! It’s almost obsessive. It’s addictive to see your physique change day after day. Getting better at your own craft and seeing what you’ve built over the years is such a rewarding process it’s almost like it’s art.
But funnily enough this is not the whole point of this journey. The whole point of this journey is to challenge yourself, it’s to see what you’re capable of and to see how far you can push yourself. No matter what the task at hand is, not just fitness.
I don’t know how to explain it, I’m not even sure I understand it completely. This journey is spiritual guys. It’s so much more than just getting shredded. This year, more than ever I want to use this time to dedicate myself to becoming a better coach, a better entrepreneur and a better person because these are the things that are most important to me, far more than my physique!
All my life I have been more of a thinker than a do-er. I fall asleep every other night thinking that I’m going to wake up in the morning and do this and that. But every time I get up, it’s the same old thing over and over. Not following through on what I say.
I don’t know if any of you’ll have ever been through what I am, I’m sure at least some of you have. But what I do know for sure is that everyone, on some level desires to get better at something or the other. Most people, like me, just don’t act on it. There’s always that one thing that you want to do or learn or give a 100% to but you just never found the “time”.
This is what the ode to becoming a superhuman is. It’s the journey of committing to becoming a better version of yourself. It’s the journey of going from a thinker to a do-er.
We all fall off the bandwagon every now and again. But what matters is that we always get back and try again.
So, if any of you have lost your routine or discipline in this time. Or even just have a goal or a project that you want to work on. I want to invite you to get on this journey with me. It doesn’t matter what your goal is. Whether it’s fitness or business or anything.
Let’s commit to constantly strive to be better. One step at a time!

Insightful 🙌